Monday 28 January 2013

Introductory Blog

Dear fellow classmates,

My name is Caroline Rabideau and I am currently in my third year of an Honours Specialization degree  in Art History and Criticism. Throughout the years I have become more open to architecture and understanding its finite details and the importance of distinguishing between different regions' styles. Last term I was fortunate enough to be in Professor Barteet's Pre-Contact/Mesoamerican course, which I found absolutely fascinating seeing as I had little understanding prior to that course of the Maya and other Pre-Contact cultures. More importantly, I am extremely interested in learning more about how architecture has developed over the years and how civilizations have built on pre-existing structures both literally and also stylistically in newly erected buildings. I look forward to exploring more about Architectural Wonders in this class and discussing them with my fellow classmates!

I have posted pictures of some of my favourite structures from the Mesoamerican cultures, and some from the early structures in Greece and Rome.

Interior of Chavin de Huantar in Peru 
*Photo courtesy of Google Images*

Architectural remains of Machi Picchu in Peru 
*Photo courtesy of Google Images*

Machu Picchu
*Photo courtesy of Google Images*

The Parthenon in Athens, Greece
*Photo courtesy of Google Images*

Temple of Vesta in Tivoli, Italy 
*Photo courtesy of Google Images*

Also, I am currently in the Romanesque and Gothic course; the architecture is absolutely remarkable and has inspired me to possibly partake in an exchange to Germany to engage with these structures directly over the summer. Some of my favourite Romanesque buildings I have also shared.

Speyer Cathedral in Speyer, Germany 
*Photo courtesy of Google Images*

Saint Marie Madeleine Abbey Church in Vezelay, France 
*Photo courtesy of Google Images*

Interior of Marie Madeleine Abbey Church
*Photo courtesy of Google Images*

I am very excited for this architectural journey to unfold over the next several weeks!

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